
Nov 9, 2009

Filling out Medicare's application

If anyone has done this in the past, you already know how tedious this process is. I'll try to simplify the process and go through each section that you need to fill.

Firstly, if you are a sole owner of a company (PLLC, LLC, PA, PC) then you will only need to fill out the 855R form.

Section 1A: Check the box that says you are a new enrollee in Medicare.
Section 1B: Check the box that says identifying information, and practice location
Section 2A: Fairly simple, fill out your personal information.
Section 2B: I used my home mailing address for correspondence. You can use your practice address also.
Section 2D: I selected Optometrist. Write Primary beside it.
Section 4A: Use the business name and its Type 2 (Group NPI). Where it says Medicare ID number, write pending.
Section 4B: Write the business name, pending where it says Medicare ID number, and use the Type 2 (Group NPI).
Section 4C: Fairly simple here. In the NPI box, use your Type 1 (Individual NPI). Write pending where it says Medicare ID number.
Section 4E: If you want your payments sent to your house, or your practice select the appropriate check box.
Section 4F: Not necessary
Section 8: If you are not using a billing agency (likely NOT, if you are a startup). Check the box that says it does not apply.
Section 15: SIGN and done!