
Mar 26, 2009

Current situation

On an average day at this practice, I see anywhere from 18-24 patients depending on the schedule. The seniordoc purchased this practice from a retiring doctor when it had yearly sales of about 650K. About 5 years later plus some elbow grease, the doc brought it up to 1.6 million!! Amazing.

On average an optometric practice will net about 30%. I wouldnt be suprised if the seniordoc took home about 500K. This is by far the exception and not the rule.

Ever since I joined this practice, I've helped boost the practice gross in several ways: fee increases, properly billing/coding, optical recommendations.

So why did I take this job? Well, the pay is great! More importantly, we actually had the opportunity to work a few days together at a second office. We wanted to try it so Doc Softy and I could see if we could handle owning a business together someday. 10 months later, we've realized that we work together well and that we can do this on our own. Its definitely scary, and risky.. considering we've got a mountain of loans (300K owed) and we've got one extra mouth to feed. The other reason we've decided to get out of here is because our boss is simply ungrateful, and mean. Doc Softy gets along with everyone, and even she agrees that our boss is difficult to work for. Another reason to start your own practice folks!!

During my downtime at this practice, I've been looking at getting a practice loan, "window shopping" for my practice, and researching towns to open in.

As Borat would say.. "grrreat succccess", I've found a town that I think would work.

Woowee! First post

What's up readers? I'm excited about this blog for several reasons:
  • one.. because, its going to give me something extra to do because I'm a chronic self-actualizer,
  • two.. maybe someone might find this blog useful enough to help themselves
Background: Im in my late-twenties and have been married to my college sweetheart since. I graduated from optometry school and have been practicing for another doctor since then..

My wife is also an optometrist and she is the love of my life. My dream has always been to own a private practice for as long as I can remember... I love the business aspects of optometry and love to be a clinician.

For obvious reasons, our personal details have been omitted.